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Me Against Me Guitar Tablature

          URL: www.metaltabs.com
	EMAIL: [email protected]


	     SONG: Me Against Me
	     BAND: Project 86
	    ALBUM: Drawing Black Lines
   TRANSCRIBED BY: Matt Jansson ([email protected])
	     DATE: Unknown

	TUNING: drop d (D-A-D-G-B-E)


     Starts out with the base, the guitar kicks in after 3 sec.


     After the tird time they play a harmonic on the 7th fret.


     Right before he starts to sing theres a harmonic on the 5th fret.
     It´s also used during the verse.

     While he is singing they use a wah-wah pedal while muting all strings.








     After the chorus, just play around with muted strings around the 5th
     and 7th fret.

     Then this little lick kicks in:

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