Well here is cut your ribbon the way I see it. I looked at the other peoples versions and it's pretty close to mine. Really close actually. Well here we go....
x=mute with your playing hand
I saw them on Craig Kilbourn and tried to pick up what they were doing but they didn't show much of the 2nd guitarist and no matter how many times I played it over there wasn't much I could do so I didn't add the 2nd guitar
The intro stars with some great drumming and then guitar 1 comes in with very light distortion:
Now here comes the verse:
Kick in that distortion!
You play that a lot then in comes the chorus:
(When he plays the chords above it higher on the fret board but when I was fooling around it sounded fine so just play it anyways)
After you play that a while he does this again with no distortion:
Do all that is above once more and then they go into the slow part were Jim plays a small back up part or at least he did live but I can't tell on the record, here it is:
He keeps playing that until they say "Can you escape these motives" about three times. Then they go into the chorus...CUT YOUR RIBBON! at the end they just play this a few times: