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Hideaway Guitar Tablature
Band: Student Rick
Song: "Hideaway"
Album - Soundtrack for a Generation
Tabbed by: Teedster3

Great song, more student rick tabs to come :)

Intro (Guitar 1)
|---14---14---14---14---13---13---13---13-------9--13-14-13---9-13-14-13-|      X2

2nd Intro/Verse (Guitar 2)
|----------------------------------------------------|    Play Till Chorus

2nd Intro (Guitar 1) 

|-14-14-14-16-16-16-16-16-14-14-14-16-16-16-16-16--|     X2

Verse (Guitar 1) Play this after the intro 2X
|----14-16-16-14----14-16-16-14-----14----14----14----14----14----------|      X2

Chorus (Guitar 2)
|----------------------------------------------------|    X4

Chorus Guitar 1 plays 2nd Intro 4X

Breakdown Riff (Guitar 1)

Repeat Verse and Chorus




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