Home > Rock & Pop > Taking Back Sunday >
Cute Without the E cut From the Team Guitar Tablature
|-0---0-------0----|Section A
|-2---2---2---1----| x 2

|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|Section B
|-4-4---4---------|-0-0---0---------|-2-2---2---------|-2-2---2-----2---| x 6

|-6-6-6-6-----------9-9-9-9-------------|Section C
|-4-4-4-4--9-9-9-9--7-7-7-7--7-7-7-7----| x 4

|--------5-------------5-----------------|Section D
|---------------------------------------| x 4

|-----------------------------|Section E
|-11---7---9---7p6----7p6-----| x 4

|---------------------------------------|Section F
|-11-11-11-11---7-7-7-7---9-9-9-9-9-9-9-| x 6

|------------------|Section G
|--11----7----9----| x 1

 Song Order
Section A
Section B
Section C
Section B
Section C
Section D
Section E
Section F
Section G
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