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Not Like the Other Girls Guitar Tablature
Song:  Not Like The Other Girls
Artist:  The Rasmus
Album:  Dead Letters
Tuning:  Standard
Tabbed by:  Andrew

Ok, there's two guitar parts right throughout the song, three in the solo.  
The layout is self explanatory. This song rocks, and I haven't seen a 
decent tab for it yet, so I decided to tab it all.  This tab includes ALL 
the guitar parts I could hear.  If I've made any mistakes, email me at 
[email protected].  The only thing I'm not sure of is some of the 
harmonics and pinch harmonics in the solo.

(#) = Ghost note.  Don't play the note in brackets, just let ring from before.
[#] = Natural Harmonic.  [12] is a 12th fret harmonic.
 v  = Vibrato
 /  = Slide up
   = Slide Down
 x  = Palm mute
 ^  = Bend
 h  = Hammer on
 p  = Pull off
{#} = Harmonic.  Play note at #th fret, then lightly touch string halfway along length.
 *  = Pinch harmonic
 t  = Tremelo picking

-Intro- Clean Guitar

With Distortion - Both Guitars
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-Verse-  1st guitar clean, 2nd guitar with distortion.

Clean 1st Guitar in the background  
||------------------||  (x8)

2nd Guitar palm mutes these chords in the background.

E5                             E5 
No more blame I am destined to keep you sane
Gotta rescue the flame
Gotta rescue the flame in your heart

E5                                 E5
No more blood, I will be there for you my love
I will stand by your side
The world has forsaken my girl             



Both guitars with some distortion


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1st guitar light or no distortion.  2nd Guitar with heavy distortion.

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Play that twice and end the 2nd time with..

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-Main riff- 

Both Guitars with heavy distortion
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Repeat Verse (with different lyrics)

Repeat Pre-chorus

Repeat Chorus



2 Guitars, 1st guitar with distortion playing the top line.
2nd guitar with heavy distortion playing the bottom line.
Note:  To play the solo with one guitar, just play the top line all 
the way through.

       Let previous note ring, then touch string halfway 
       along it's length, at the 19th fret.
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3rd guitar appears now, playing the top line.  1st guitar now plays the 
bottom line, and 2nd guitar plays the middle line.
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Repeat Chorus       


-Outro-  Clean Guitar



Comments, suggestions, email me at [email protected]
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