The Starting Line
Best of Me Acoustic
[email protected] standard tuning
this tab is kinda hard to under stand
email me if you gotta ?
intro play once then guitar 2 plays with it
guitar 1
|------------------------|---|part before verse
these chords are played wierd -0--------000--
listen to the song carefully -0--------000--
guitar 2 -2--------777--
|--0-0--0--0--0-0--0--0-0-| -2--------xxx--
|--0-0--0--0--0-0--0--0-0-| -0--------999--
|-11-9-11-13-13-9-13-11-9-| ---------------
|--x-x--x--x--x-x--x--x-x-| ^
|--9-7--9-11-11-7-11--9-7-|play this| after you play the intro
|-------------------------|both guitars youl figure it out
guitar 1 i think you strum these
B|----0-----0-----0-----0-----0----0----0----0--|guitar 1 plays this for
G|--9-----9-----8-----8-----6----6----4----4----| the verses
E|-------0------0------0------0------0-----0-----0-|riff played for verse
B|-----0------0------0------0------0-----0-----0---|how many times you play
G|--13-----13-----11-----11------9-----9-----8-----|varies per verse then play
many times
Both guitars "To meet a familiar voice..." G|-9-9-9-|
|-0-------000--|then back to above
|-0-------777--|then play again then
|-2-------xxx--|guitar 2 plays -0- with guitar ones verse part
|-2-------999--| -0-
|--------------| -9-
then this prechorus
then both guitars play guitar 1 part of the intro for the
chorus then the part before verse then the verse then prechorus,
chorus, then the intro which is exactly wut you played for the intro
guitar 1 guitar 2
end its easy to figure out
|-0--0--0--0--0----0-0--| |--0-0--0--0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0-|
|-0--0--0--0--0----0-0--| |--0-0--0--0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0-|
|-1--2--4--4--2----4-4--| |--1-2--4--4--2--4-2-4-2-4-2-|
|-2--2--4--2--2----2-4--| |--2-2--4--2--2--2-2-2-2-2-2-|
|-2--0--2--4--0----4-2--| |--2-0--2--4--0--4-0-4-0-4-0-|
|-----------------------| |----------------------------|