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Best I Ever Had Guitar Tablature
Vertical Horizon - Best I Ever Had 2 (no funky tuning)

Tabbed - Nashirak

Requirements - Standard Tuning Capo on 4th Fret

 (Remember though add 4 four frets because of Capo but with no capo this is how
  they would be played).

 Also Forgive me for not knowing the technical name of some of these chords

    D   D*  G   G*  G** B   Em

 D            D*      G              G* G**
So you sailed away Into a grey sky morning 

 D            D*      G              G* G**
Now I'm here to stay Love can be so boring 

 Em                  B
Nothing's quite the same now

Em               B
I just say your name now  


 D               D*  G              G* G**       D (not sure but works)
But it's not so bad You're only the best I ever had 

D                  D*  G              G* G**       D
You don't want me back You're just the best I ever had  

(Strum If going back into the verses)
D   D*  G   G* G**  D

(Repeat Verse tab for rest of verses)


 C         D                 G        G*  Em   C
And it may take some time to Patch me up inside 

 C          D            G     G*     Em   C
But I can't take it so I Run away and hide 

 C         D                 G       G*     Em
And I may find in time that You were always right 

  Em            C    D
You're always right

(Back to Verses)

Tips on playing this:  

 When I do the D -> D* I usually play the bottom strings for the D and then 
 kinda pluck the a--2- String and strum the top.

 Then when I goto G I play the bottom and then play and pluck the top strings 
 on G* and G**.  Basically play this as a walk down.

 The only chord I am not sure about is that darn D in the verse that I put a
 note by.  It sounds ok though when you play it with the song.  

Again forgive me for not know the real names of these chords, and if I am 
completly wrong about this "new" way of playing this song dont hammer me too

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