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Trust? Lyrics

Album/Collection: Count To Ten
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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when i saw you
i never would have guessed
you were the were
when i saw this
i really almost wish
i would have known before

here i'll say it now
i'm sorry for it all
i'm sorry for everything i did
here i'll say it now
i'll say it once again
i'm sorry that you treadted me like shit

and if i saw you
every day i'ld
save the seconds
when i'm away to
search my soul and
try to find that
piece of me i left behind with you

and if i found it
i'ld give it to you now
and show you all the ways it's ripped apart
and even till this day
you seem to have the nerve
the nerve to think that this is all my fault

Trust? Lyrics

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