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Day Dream Lyrics

Album/Collection: Evolution
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Shining in the silver moon, crystal ships are sailing to the sea
Dream the joys of pearls and gold, and our angels' wings in flight unfold

Fly, fly by my window, flying so free, yes, yes they fly, fly by my window

Yes those bright diamonds that once were stone, rolling down a silver stream
Yes those bright diamonds that once were stone, ohhh


Sail on silver wings of time, sailin' dreams beyond the silver moon
In silver clouds that fly so high, in the dreams you search for [ca...]

Yes they fly, fly by my window, oh flying so free, yes
Oh they fly, fly by my window

Yes those bright diamonds that once were stone
Are rolling down a silver stream
Yeah those bright diamonds that once were stone, ohhh




Day Dream Lyrics

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