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The Robbery Lyrics

Album/Collection: Les Miserables (Act 1a)
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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     [Thenardier assembiling his gang.]

     Everyone here, you know your place
     Brujon, Babet, Claqusous
     You, Montparnasse, watch for the law
     With Eponine, take care.
     You turn on the tears
     No mistakes, my dears

Mme. Thenardier
     These bloody students on our street
     Here they come slumming once again
     Our Eponine would kiss their feet
     She never had a scrap of brain

     Eponine, what's up today?
     I haven't seen you much about.

     Here, you can always catch me in.

     Mind the police don't catch you out!

     Here, whatcher doing with all them books?
     I could have been a student too!
     Don't judge a girl on how she looks...
     I know a lot of things I do!

     Poor Eponine, the things you know
     You wouldn't find in books like these.

     I like the way you grow your hair

     I like the way you always tease

     Little he knows!
     Little he sees!

     [Valjean arrives with Cosette, now grown up.]

Mme. Thenardier
     Here's the old boy. Stay on the job and watch out for
     the law.

Eponine [to Marius]
     Stay out of this.

     But Eponine...

     You'll be in trouble here
     It's not your concern
     You'll be in the clear

     [She pushes Marius away.]

     Who is that man?

     Leave me alone!

     Why is he here?  Hey, Eponine!

     [He begins to follow her, and bumps into Cosette.]

     I didn't see you there, forgive me.

     Please M'sieur, come this way
     Here's a child that ain't eaten today.
     Save a life, spare a sou
     God rewards all the good that you do.
     Wait a bit.  Know that face.
     Ain't the world a remarkable place?
     Men like me don't forget
     You're the bastard that borrowed Cosette!

     [Thenardier grabs Valjean and rips open his shirt,
     revealing the number on his chest.]

     What is this?  Are you mad?
     No, Monsieur, you don't know what you do!

     You know me, you know me.
     I'm a con, just like you.

     It's the police!  Disappear!
     Run for it!  It's Javert!

The Robbery Lyrics

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