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Desire Lyrics

Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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So long have we known each other (So long have we known each other) 
So little do we know (Little do we know) 
Sometimes I feel like strangers (Sometimes I feel like strangers) 
The real us we seldom do show (Seldom do show) 

Desire, it covers our faces 
It happens in curious places 
Your body, it covers my tower 
Ecstasy is ours 

I dream of a physical evening (Dream of a physical evening {x3}) 
I long 4 a night within U 
U're saving your love 4 some soldier (Some soldier {x3}) 
Who'd much rather die than stay by your side 
If U only knew 


A ghost from your past 
Prevents us from knowing the pleasures of love 
What must I do 2 convince U 
Isn't the expression on my complexion enough? 

Don't tell me we have conflicting emotions 
It's written all over your face 
Come my love, cover my tower 
Ecstasy is ours 

So long have we known each other (So long have we known each other) 
So little do we know 
Let me show U 


Desire Lyrics

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