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Vision 01 Lyrics

Album/Collection: Dysfunctional Vision
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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elusive completion  of life the way of want
releasing the tension  the future left to taunt

dreams of passion  taste reaction
search for lust in all you do
drawn to action  main atraction
searching for what's me, what's you

stars are bright  temptation is fright
mental decision
time is done when choice is won
drawn to a vision
eyes have been awake, awake
sights are yours to take, awake

breathing for the soul of quest
vision grows to leave the nest
and when you've conquered what you've found
the sights you dream will become sound
listen!  concentration...

stars are bright  temptation is fright
mental decision
time is done when choice is won
drawn to a vision
eyes have been awake, awake
sights are yours to take, awake
i see you...

Vision 01 Lyrics

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