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Nickel In The Well Lyrics

Album/Collection: Between Now And Forever
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I've got a four leaf clover
I hung a horseshoe  on the wall
I threw  salt over my  left shoulder
I'll try  anything  at all
To get lucky with you 
I want you so much 
Untill you want me too
I aint gonna give up 

I"ll throw another nickel int he well 
Tell myself this time maybe it'll help 
TO make my dreams come true
I'll make   another wish upon a star 
Just in case you're  out in your backyard
Lookin' up there too
With a lot of love and a little luck
You'll fall like i fell 
I"ll just cross my fingers 
and throw another nickel in the well

If i could  get  Houdini
To teach  me a trick or two 
Then maybe  you would see me
In the way i want you to 
Gonna knock on wood
It aint been easy 
I've done everything i could 
To make  you need me


With a lot of love and a little luck
You'll fall like i fell 
I'll just   cross my fingers 
And throw another nickel in the well 

Yeah  Just cross my fingers  
And throw another nickel in the well

Nickel In The Well Lyrics

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