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B A L L A N D C H A I N Lyrics

Album/Collection: English Settlement
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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 SS    ave us from the ball and chain    save us from the  ball and
   SS  chain     save us from the ball and  chain,  oh yeah     the
 SS  S   diggers  and  the  tower cranes      the diggers  and  the
S  S  S  tower  cranes     don't  want  demolition      don't  want
 SSSSS   your  compensation     it's not  just  bricks  and  mortar
we are lambs to slaughter.
save us from the ball and chain     save us from the ball and chain
save  us from the ball and chain,  oh yeah      the diggers and the
tower  cranes     the diggers  and  the  tower cranes      must  we
live  in  fear     from those who  shed no tears ?    our  one  and
only shelter     your games,   your helter skelter.
motorways  and  office  blocks      they're  standing  on the  spot
where  stood  a  home,      crushing  on  the  memories  of  people
who have since turned to stone      save us from the ball and chain
save  us from the ball  and chain       save us  from the  ball and
chain, oh yeah     the diggers and the tower cranes     the diggers
and the tower cranes.

colin-lead and backing vocals, fretless bass.  andy-electric guitar
dave - electric  12-string guitar,  mini-korg,  backing vocals ----
terry - drums and percussion, backing vocals   hugh - vocal support
                                            composed by c. moulding

B A L L A N D C H A I N Lyrics

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