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Motor City Lyrics

Album/Collection: Reactor
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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 My old car keeps breaking down
 My new car ain't from japan
 There's already too many Datsuns
 In this town
 Another thing that's bugging me
 Is this commercial on t.v.
 Says that Detroit can't
 Make good cars any more
 Motor City
 Who's driving my car?
 Who's driving my car now?
 My army jeep is still alive
 Got locking hubs
 And four wheel drive
 Ain't got no radio
 Ain't got no mag wheels
 Ain't got no digital clock
 Ain't got no clock
 The paint job is lookin' blue
 The whitewalls are missing too
 But I guess until I get my car back
 This'll do
 Who's driving my car?
 Who's driving my car now?
 Who's driving my car now?
 op.er.a star : Re.ac.tor
 So your girlfriend slammed the door shut
 In your face tonight
 But that's all right
 Then she took off to the opera
 With some highbrow from the city lights
 Well you grew up on a corner
 And you never missed a moonlit night.
 Some things never change
 They stay the way they are
 You were born to rock
 You'll never 
You were born to rock
 You'll never be an opera star
 So you stay out all night
 Gettin' fucked up in that rock and roll bar
 And you never get tired
 'Cause your drugs are in a little jar
 You were born to rock
 You'll never be an opera star
 Some things never change
 They stay the way they are
 I was born to rock
 So your girlfriend slammed the door shut
 In your face tonight
 But that's all right
 Then she took off to the opera
 With some highbrow from the city lights
 Well you grew up on a corner
 And you never missed a moonlit night.
 Some things never change
 They stay the way they are
 You were born to rock
 You'll never be an opera star
 You were born to rock

Motor City Lyrics

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