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Alma Mater (Parody) Lyrics

Online Since: 04-Sep-2005
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I saw a dead skunk on the highway
And I was goin' crazy from the smell
'Cause when the wind was blowin' my way
It smelled just like the halls of old Rydell.
And if you gotta use the toilet
And later on you start to scratch like hell,
Take off your underwear and boil it
'Cause you got memories of old Rydell.

I can't explain, Rydell, this pain, Rydell.
Is it ptomaine Rydell gave me?
Is it v.d., Rydell? Could be, Rydell.
You oughta to see the faculty.
If Mr. Clean, Rydell, had seen Rydell
He'd just turn green and disappear.
I'm outta luck, Rydell, dead duck, Rydell.
I'm stuck, Rydell, right here!

Alma Mater (Parody) Lyrics

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