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Runaway Lyrics

Album/Collection: To: Justina
Online Since: 22-Jan-2006
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Stuck here,
Until the world says I can love you
Not now, not us they say
Its not our time, its not our way

No luck here,
Just conformance to the rules,
Forced to fit in, do as they do,
I refuse to hear I can’t love you

Well, they
Tell me to obey their rules,
When to talk and how to speak,
That I’ve got to be like everyone else
Well, what’s wrong with being unique?

I like,
Who I am
I love who you are
You don’t need their approval to be
Who you are with me

Hurled here,
Its where they tell us to be,
As long as we’re here they’ll push us around
Forced into the rules they set down

Its their world here
 And nothing can change that
In this life you earn what you take
Let’s only hear the rules that we make

Lets run away `till the standards agree
That life can be simple if we want it to be,
I don’t need their opinion to tell me its true
I only need me to know I love you

On our whirlwind adventure
We’ll go where our travels take us
No one controls it, no one can brake us

So Stunning
Shed a tear for our pasts
One for our fates and one cause we beat them
Save the rest to reach our freedom

Naturally they’ll try to catch us,
Make it hard for us to go
But we don’t listen to them anymore
I won’t now that I know

That I could
Love you forever
And if you could likewise fall,
I think that forever’s not long at all

Through the wind and the rain
We’ll dodge every trick they use
Victory over social abuse

That a new world awaits us
A world without trial or care
You can open our eyes as soon as we’re there

Lets run away to the Lost Lover’s Bay
No trick and no treason will get in our way
The love there is old, but the lovers are new
I only need me, to know I love you

On earth can compare
To the long stretches of beach we’ll find,
The creation of two lovers’ minds,

We’ll go where
The scenery is perfect
 You’re beautiful under open skies
The meadows and fields will match your eyes

So its here we’ll settle down
We’ll finally escape our pasts
This love will see it all come true
This love is built to last

And if you don’t believe me
That nothing can keep us apart
Just look in my eyes,
They speak for my heart.

Lets run away to Renegade Isle,
We’ll run `till the sunset matches your smile,
If it be only us, may our love see us through,
Cause I only need me to know I love you.

Lets run away to renegade isle,
We’ll go where the horizon stretches for miles,
It’ll be only us, for our love sees us through,
And I only need me to know I love you.

Runaway Lyrics